Improve Your Performance!

Hoping you enjoyed your July 4 th celebrations while finding time to relax and revive. Each year we look forward to slowing down as summer approaches, yet we find that business requires us to be “plugged-in” 24/7. The old phrase “the lazy days of summer” is better...

Getting Through Ups and Downs

Disruption and turbulence is becoming an every day event. Ways to de-stress and stay focused on your personal and professional goals. It’s already February, the DOW dropped over 1000 points last week and almost 1200 points again on Monday, the work is piling up on...

Declutter Your Brain

If decluttering closets for spring cleaning makes your feel better, imagine how taking actions to declutter your mind can make you a more focused, productive and happier leader. Spring is a time for “new beginnings!” It’s the start of longer days, increased sun and...

Performance Feedback

Performance feedback is one of the most important (and difficult) responsibilities of a good leader. So why do so many of us dread giving feedback and rationalize ways to avoid it? Facts: Providing feedback is a key ingredient for attracting, developing and retaining...